Companion animals News Regional priorities


You can tell your dog anything… EXCEPT GOODBYE. This is the message for BE HIS HERO campaign which has been launched by OIE on 13th of May 2016. The target audiences of this campaign are future and current dog owners in the Balkans, including both adults and children. Indeed, ‘Stray dog’ is mainly a societal […]

Animal welfare legislation Companion animals Farm animals News Regional priorities Research animals Training of business operators and stakeholders

Held 2nd Regional Animal Welfare Experts meeting

Regional Animal Welfare Centre in cooperation with Animal Welfare Unit of the Croatian Veterinary Institute (CVI) and Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) organised a two day meeting “Vision for the future of Animal welfare in the Balkans”. Meeting was held on on 6th to 7th of May 2015, in Terme […]

Regional priorities Research animals

Animals used in scientific procedures

Background Directive 2010/63/EU of the European parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2010 on the protection of animals used for scientific purposesprovides for administrative and technical conditions for protection of animals used in scientific procedures (animals in experiments).This complex and extensive piece of European legislation is based on the principles of the replacement […]

Regional priorities Training of business operators and stakeholders

Training of business operators and stakeholders

 Current status  In the region there is a situation that all countries already have been accepted national legislation for animal welfare according which, education of stakeholders is obligatory. Having in mind EU legislation (Farm animals Council Directive 98/58;Transport – Council Regulation EC2005/1;Meat Chickens Council Directive EC 2007/43; Killing – Council Regulation EC 1099/2009) there is […]

Animal welfare legislation Regional priorities

Animal Welfare legislation – verification of effectiveness

Current status: Regulation (EC) No 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on official controls performed to ensure the verification of compliance with feed and food law, animal health and animal welfare rules, OJ L 165, 30.4.2004 (Regulation 882/2004/EC) sets out a number of over-arching requirements for the operation […]

Farm animals Regional priorities

Raising farmer awareness

Raising farmer awareness and engaging with small scale farmers to establish an effective and targeted regional approach and to explore new business models Current status: Compared with the size of agricultural holdings of EU Member States from 2010 (Eurostat FSS 2007/2010), the average size of a Croatian farm is below the EU average. In 2010, […]

News Regional priorities

Overview of regional priorities

RAWC will prioritize activities in the following areas: Training of business operators and stakeholders (slaughter, pigs, broilers and transport) – coordination and dissemination of information and resources; Experimental animals – implementation and training; Companion animals population management and stray dog control – develop a regional approach and share best practice; Raising farmer awareness and engaging with […]

Companion animals Regional priorities

Companion animal management – Stray dog control

Companion animal management – Stray dog control: Current status:  There is currently no European legislation governing the control of stray dogs. Most countries in the Balkans have national legislation regulating control of stray dogs and set rules for owned animals, including commercial breeding and keeping of animals, as well as identification of animals. There is […]