Overall strategy of RAWC is to bridge over the gap between Academia and Policy makers in the region and to help them in the implementation of regional and international best practices in the field of Animal Welfare.
Specific tasks of Regional Animal Welfare Centre (RAWC):
- To build structures and processes to actively share knowledge and expertise related to theimplementation of EU legislation.
- To conduct a screening and elaborate a clear map of the current situation and the priorities in theregion.
- To cooperate and liaise with the European network of reference centers and facilitate bringing activities with the CC related to the implementation of EU legislation.
- To facilitate the consistent implementation and enforcement of EU legislation through the identificationof difficulties and bottlenecks as well as related risks for animal welfare.
- To advise on interpretation of national and EU laws.
- To develop knowledge strategies to overcome difficulties and bottlenecks and to assist MS and CCswith implementation of legislation.
- To increase stakeholders’ awareness, engagement and co-operation in addressing animal welfare issues.
- To provide scientific and technical advice to national bodies on best practices to alleviate or resolve welfare problems.
- To conduct and/or coordinate studies on the welfare status of animals, on methods and indicators toassess welfare and on welfare improvement strategies.
- To identify and disseminate relevant training materials, and if appropriate design and conduct training courses for staff of Competent Authorities and experts from third countries.
- To disseminate research findings and technical innovations and to co-operate with European Unionresearch bodies.
- To minimise duplication of effort by Competent Authorities from MSs and CCs in developing tools toimplement and enforce animal welfare legislation.