The 2nd RAWC Conference will take place in the Hotel Croatia, Cavtat, Croatia from 15th – 17th of October 2024.
We call on our members, as well as scientists and particularly young scholars, to participate in this conference by presenting a paper, oral or poster, and taking an active role in our network.
The main theme of our first scientific conference is
“Better science for better animal welfare”
Main conference topics:
Animals in communities (companion animals, stray animals, backyard and traditional farming, One Health,…)
Animals in food production (on farm, transport, slaughter,…)
Human-animal relationship (socio-economic and ethical context,…)
Animals and the environment (ZOO, climate impact, protection of habitats, wildlife population management, ecology modeling, One Welfare,…)
Keynole lectures will be given by:
prof Donald Broom,
prof Linda Keeling,
prof James Serpell and
dr Svenja Springer.
We would like to hear from anyone interested in making a contribution to the above topics. Please send an extended abstract to, using the following criteria:
• In English;
• Two pages with TOP 5 references relevant to your paper (please find abstract example HERE);
• State whether you would prefer to present a poster or oral presentation;
• Abstract submission deadline – 1st July 2024 (acceptance notification will be sent by 10th of July 2024)
Special note for younger researchers (undergraduate, graduate and PhD students) – there is a registration fee waiver for the best 10 abstracts submitted.
All additional information regarding the conference (Venue, Registration, Papers format,..) please check HERE or follow the updates on our social media.